Mcdonalds outlet in Auburn , WA , United States of America ,

Mcdonalds Store id : 31794

Mcdonalds Store Name : McDonalds LAKELAND TOWN CE

Mcdonalds Outlet Address : 1400 Lake Tapps Way

Mcdonalds Outlet City : Auburn

Mcdonalds State Code : WA

Mcdonalds State Name : Washington

Mcdonalds Country Name : United States of America

Mcdonalds Country Code : US

Mcdonalds Postal/Zip Code : 98092

Mcdonalds Outlet Contact Number: (253) 288-0108

Mcdonalds Outlet Latitude : 47.243785

Mcdonalds Outlet Longitude : -122.211678

Mcdonalds Open Hours for this Outlet : {‘hoursMonday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursTuesday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursWednesday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursThursday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursFriday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursSaturday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursSunday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′}

Mcdonalds Open Hours drive through for this outlet : {‘driveHoursMonday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursTuesday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursWednesday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursThursday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursFriday’: ’05:00 – 01:00′, ‘driveHoursSaturday’: ’06:00 – 01:00′, ‘driveHoursSunday’: ’06:00 – 00:00′}

Frequently Asked Question


Where is the mcdonalds outlet located in Auburn, WA , Washington ?

Mcdonalds outlet address in the Auburn, WA is 1400 Lake Tapps Way.

What is the contact number of mcdonalds outlet located in Auburn, Washington, WA ?

The contact number of mcdonalds outlet in Auburn ,  WA  ,  Washington  is  (253) 288-0108 .

Mcdonalds outlet open hours in Auburn , WA , Washington , US ?

Mcdonalds open hours in Auburn , US , 98092, US is

{‘hoursMonday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursTuesday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursWednesday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursThursday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursFriday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursSaturday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′, ‘hoursSunday’: ’07:00 – 21:00′}

Mcdonalds open hours drive through Auburn , WA , US ?


Mcdonalds open hours drive through Auburn , WA , US is

{‘driveHoursMonday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursTuesday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursWednesday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursThursday’: ’05:00 – 00:00′, ‘driveHoursFriday’: ’05:00 – 01:00′, ‘driveHoursSaturday’: ’06:00 – 01:00′, ‘driveHoursSunday’: ’06:00 – 00:00′} .

What is the Zip Code of mcdonalds outlet in McDonalds LAKELAND TOWN CE , 1400 Lake Tapps Way, Auburn , WA , US ?

The Zip Code of mcdonalds outlet in McDonalds LAKELAND TOWN CE , 1400 Lake Tapps Way, Auburn , WA , US is 98092 .


For any queries please call them through this phone number (253) 288-0108.

Refer for more details.

You can check their official website for more details like menu, pricing, discounts, offers, combo offers, coupons.


McDonald’s, one of the world’s largest and most iconic fast-food chains, has left an indelible mark on global culinary culture. Founded in 1940 by Richard and Maurice McDonald in San Bernardino, California, the company’s golden arches have since become synonymous with quick, accessible, and consistent dining experiences. McDonald’s is celebrated for its signature offerings like the Big Mac, McNuggets, and the classic McDonald’s French fries.

The brand’s success is attributed not only to its recognizable menu but also to its efficient service model, innovative marketing, and widespread global presence. With outlets in over 100 countries, McDonald’s adapts its menu to suit diverse cultural tastes while maintaining its core offerings. Over the years, it has become a symbol of convenience and familiarity, catering to millions of customers daily.

Despite its popularity, McDonald’s has also faced criticism regarding nutritional concerns and environmental impact. In response, the company has made efforts to introduce healthier options and sustainable practices. Whether loved for its comfort food or critiqued for its influence on dietary habits, McDonald’s remains a fixture in the fast-food landscape, continuing to evolve and adapt to changing consumer expectations.



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